Webdelics Podcast

How Psychedelics Can Create Great Leadership with Diego Ugalde

Episode Summary

“Are you telling me that in order to be a great leader you need to have done psychedelics?” host Scott Mason asks Diego Ugalde, former Navy SEAL now CEO of the Trident Approach and psychedelic integration coach. In this episode of Webdelics, they explore the counterintuitive connection between psychedelics and leadership. Diego shares how plant medicine aligns individuals with truth and transforms leadership in unexpected ways. They challenge taboos, question the essence of leadership, and explore the impact psychedelics can have on every facet of life.

Episode Notes

“Leadership means inspiring and motivating others around you … to get them to do things that they ultimately want to do...” - Diego Ugalde

“Are you telling me that in order to be a great leader you need to have done psychedelics?” host Scott Mason asks Diego Ugalde, former Navy SEAL now CEO of the Trident Approach and psychedelic integration coach. In this episode of Webdelics, they explore the counterintuitive connection between psychedelics and leadership. Diego shares how plant medicine aligns individuals with truth and transforms leadership in unexpected ways. They challenge taboos, question the essence of leadership, and explore the impact psychedelics can have on every facet of life. 

Diego Ugalde is a former Navy SEAL with over 15 years of military service, including three combat tours in Iraq and participation in over 250 classified operations. He has been decorated with four Navy Commendation Medals, three Navy Achievement Medals, and a Combat Action Ribbon. Diego now serves as the CEO and founder of the Trident Approach, a leadership consultancy firm. Beyond his military achievements, Diego has ventured into the realm of psychedelics, becoming a psychedelic integration coach. 

Highlights from the conversation:


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The Trident Approach | Heroic Hearts Project

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